Self-Supervised Learning for FER-W

Problem of Interest

Our Method & Results

Figure 1. Overall architecture of the proposed SimFLE. SimFLE is divided into two branches: GFL and FFL. In GFL, the backbone CNN learns global facial features through contrastive method. In FFL, FaceMAE encodes patch-level representations of fine-grained facial landmarks and transfers them to the backbone CNN.

Figure 1. Overall architecture of the proposed SimFLE. SimFLE is divided into two branches: GFL and FFL. In GFL, the backbone CNN learns global facial features through contrastive method. In FFL, FaceMAE encodes patch-level representations of fine-grained facial landmarks and transfers them to the backbone CNN.

Figure 2. Examples of masked autoencoding results of FaceMAE. The encoder must encode relationships between facial landmarks or overall facial context into patch-level representations of visible facial landmarks.

Figure 2. Examples of masked autoencoding results of FaceMAE. The encoder must encode relationships between facial landmarks or overall facial context into patch-level representations of visible facial landmarks.

Publications & Github

GitHub - jymoon0613/simfle: Official PyTorch implementation of SimFLE.