Optimization of Deep Generative Models

Problem of Interest

<aside> ❓ How can the human brain perform general and complex tasks?


Our Method & Results

Figure 3. Predictive probabilities on the two-moons dataset after training for BayesSNN. (top) real-valued synapses; (bottom) binary synapses.

Figure 3. Predictive probabilities on the two-moons dataset after training for BayesSNN. (top) real-valued synapses; (bottom) binary synapses.

Figure 4. Predicted by Bayesian and frequentist SNN models on the DVS-Gestures dataset. The correct class is indicated in bold font.

Figure 4. Predicted by Bayesian and frequentist SNN models on the DVS-Gestures dataset. The correct class is indicated in bold font.

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